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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sequential Imagery

Most recent revised copy
Revised copy
Original copy


  1. Denise, your idea is excellent you certainly have my vote. The pictures look very nice but they're hard to see can you please post them a little larger?

  2. Thanks Malka, took your advice and made it larger. Hope you can see my pictures better.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good job on your final project. The images are clear and well balanced on the background. It could apply to more than one social issue - electronic dependence and also kids who aren't moving (obesity). When I grew up in the suburbs of NJ in the 60's-70's we spent the majority of our free time outside - swimming, biking, roller skating, creating forts and imaginary worlds in the woods behind our house. This was well before we had home computers, cell phones and video games and even though I have those things now and use them all I think I was lucky to have experienced a childhood without them.

    I agree with you - I think its important for parents to set limits on how much time can be spent in front of the TV and computer.

  5. Thank you Denise for enlarging the pictured, I now notice that you put light switches layered beneath the pictures, with the light next to the screen turned off and the one next to the picture of the kids playing turned on. Neat. You show an empty screen in the first frame, and a picture on the screen in the second frame. My suggestion is to sequence it with the open screen first then move to closing the screen on the second frame after which the kid goes outdoors.

  6. Good job on your final project. The idea is well taken with the various images. The light switches in the background really add the final touch to this project. well done

  7. Wow Denise, it gets better and better. I love your new version with the first frame showing the kid engrossed in the screen, and the second one showing him turning it off. I like that the photos are the same except for the kids action, it keeps the flow smooth. The sequencing is excellent and the pictures need no explanation. Terrific post.

  8. I like it. A small thing but important. The type.
    The emphasis is on the first part of the phrase where the second part "turn on the outdoors" is more important. Maybe make everything upper and lower case and move the word and up followed by ellipses (...). The make "turn on the outdoors" green. See if that works

  9. I think this is a real improvement. Nobody would know you made it but it makes your work easier to get. A work.

  10. yeh i dont see it. do you have the original one that you can post for comparison?

  11. Jon, I posted all three copies for you to compare.

  12. I think you made great improvements in your separate tries to improve your art. I think you are sending a great message. I do think you could find a better background image or maybe use something more blank. A light switch is something that needs to be turned off, but its doesn't quite relate to the type of electronics you are talking about. Good job.
